Monday 15 October 2012

Preliminary task LIIAR analysis

Language- The masthead stands out on the magazine, they're also very big bold letters compared to the rest of the text on the magazine. They isn't much text on the front cover only a little. The main headline is in the top right hand corner which doesn't really stand out as much however it is linked to the image of kanye west which takes up most of the cover. 
Institution- A American magazine by Conde Nast publications, which also make vogue and glamour magazine. 
ideology- Kanye west's face takes up most of the magazine which could represent that he is very known and  is powerful. Also having his face this big catches the readers eye almost straight away, you also see his face before you see the 'GQ' logo. Also his eyes are center of the page which almost make it like he is looking at you. 
Audience- The audince of GQ magazine is men. The magazine is a mans magazine, i beleive the magazine target audience is mostly aimed at wealthy middle aged men. I believe this because GQ stands for Gentlemens Quarterly, gentleman is also a posh word which is another reason i think this is for wealthy men. The price is £4 also, which is quite expensive, so wealthy people are more likely to buy it.

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