Wednesday, 19 December 2012

2nd front cover draft

This is my second draft of my front cover. On this draft I made the masthead bigger, so it stands out. I also added more cover lines, because my magazine looked a little bare in some places. I prefer this draft to my 1st draft, although I still think I can improve on it.  

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Conventions of a contents page 3/3

Conventions of a contents page 2/3

Coventions of a contents page 1/3

Front cover drafts feedback

Things to improve on:

- Make effort to recall the various stages of my magazine and what it went through before it reached the final product (make more draft covers using internet images).
- Use cover lines more effectively.
- Put more cover lines on my front cover (they is a lot of empty space on left and right hand side).
-Try experimenting with the size of fonts (one referring to Joe could be larger).
- Add a strapline under my masthead (or above) to tell the reader what my magazine does best.